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Brave One

2021 Competition entry

Abigail Barnard

Clay and glaze
370 mm x 450 mm, 8.2 kg
R3 000

This sculpture is intended to give us strength and help us stay true to ourselves, give us strength to move on and to continue to be the person we aspire to be. She chose an octopus because it is associated with a variety of symbolism and meanings. On a spiritual level, an octopus represents our determination and focus. The octopus' spirit is wise and intelligent, and he knows how to get out of sticky situations. An octopus examines the situation, adapts and flexes, and then devises a strategy to fix or improve things.

The plant represents growth, which can refer to new beginnings or improving ourselves, or new ways for us to begin our lives. The lip ring represents the need to hang on to the person you are. Even if others tell usto be someone else and not beyour true selves, just hold on to it because, at the end of the day, it is us who are living this life and it is us who must be happy and who must live with ourselves. Choose what is best for you and choose not to be anyone else but yourself.

One of the tentacles that go over the eyes represents the fact that bad things will happen in life and that there is a bad side, but there is always a good side and a light at the end of the tunnel and bad things will not last forever. There are various types of tentacles in this piece, which represent the various roads that we should take in life. What is the best option for you? There are multiple roads for each person, so if one road does not work out, there are always more roads to choose from. As the saying goes, when one door closes, another one opens.

The suckers are missing on some of the tentacles, which represent potholes.  Every road has its ups and downs, and that represents the bad times. It will be hard just to get through them.  And on some roads, there will be so many potholes that you won't know what is up from down, or right from left.   Everything will improve if you persevere. And because there are so many difficulties in life and so many things to overcome, the road changes people for the better and for the worse, but you should give yourself strength, believe in yourself, and be the brave one that moves on.