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Therefore I am

2018 Competition entry

Jano Myburgh

Steel, sandstone and wood
400 mm x 400 mm x 1000 mm


“Men are trash” This phrase has of late been encountered across almost every sphere of social interaction and whilst its popularity and ease of use grows, the implications and effects of its use are often not fully considered or acknowledged. As with most blanket statements, no matter how virtuous the cause, it holds both some truths and also some generalisations. One must however ask oneself, what happens (or has historically happened many times before) when an indictment relevant to individuals is applied to characterise an entire group of people?

What does it do to the human consciousness, the sense of self and the self-worth of an individual, to be bombarded by information that vilifies their most defining characteristic? Something that is intrinsically part of their identity? To be constantly and mercilessly told that you are wrong, that you are trash, regardless of who you are as a person or what you believe to be right and good? To be dragged into a public space, verbally flogged and branded for the crime of being male. For the crime of being born on the wrong side of an arbitrary line in the sand. 

“Trending” labels are often repeated dogmatically and although the action is not always malicious the effects can be incalculable. Internalising repeated assaults on one’s perceived character is a natural response that can elicit various outcomes from the demolishment of self-worth, to the rejection of, and alienation from society.  This can have volatile or detrimental effects for individuals and society as a whole. 

Whilst the importance of raising awareness of gender issues, especially that of the oppression, marginalisation and abuse of women and children is crucial, it is also important to avoid fighting one prejudice with another. Have we not learnt that hate begets hate and violence begets violence?

It is shamefully only in the most recent annuals of time that the daily atrocities against women have been brought into the public consciousness and have started to diminish. Though the occurrence of the #MenAreTrash phenomenon is contextually understandable, it is tragically doomed to exacerbate the situation, perpetuating the cycle. Never has bearing arms or slinging insults between two aggrieved parties led to a completely happy ending. There is always fallout. There is always collateral. 

This is what we are currently teaching the next generation instead of providing firm guidance on how to be better, how to succeed where so many generations before us have failed. By addressing long standing patriarchal systems and toxic masculinity with unscrupulous rejection and derision of an entire gender we forego the responsibilities of both men and women, boys and girls to productively re-evaluate and redefine the roles and relationships of individuals within the larger group. It is only as a whole society that we can better ourselves and right the wrongs of the past.

Sadly, the psychological impact of current social phenomena such as the #MenAreTrash movement will only be evident in generations to come.

This work serves to capture self-flagellation/chastising of the individual as well as the societal branding of individuals, a group and of oneself.