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Floating threshold

2016 Competition entry

Adelheid Von Maltitz

Not Signed
Resin, earth, bone ash
2 m x 7.25 m x 13 cm


The contradictions that exist in the concept of a ‘threshold between life and death’ is explored in this work.  A threshold between life and death enables a spiritual connection and yet stays unreachable or unopenable.

Repetitive resin casting, collecting earth and firing bone were the materials used to examine this contradictory threshold state that ‘floats’ away. The repetitive resin casting is used as a mourning ritual, the process of casting is temporarily soothing. The earth is collected form the last place of life at a road side memorial and in this way it contains both the trauma and sacredness of this private place within the larger public domain.  

The bone represents the human body (even though animal bones were used). They were fired at 1000 degrees centigrade and resulted in a sterile clean white product so different from a living breathing body and yet all that remains. Site specific earth/place, cremated remains and repetitive mourning rituals are able to make the bereaved feel more closely connected to the deceased. This is typically experience when roadside memorials are built and visited and the bereaved are able to talk to, leave mementos or even notes for their deceased loved ones. A spiritual connection can be achieved in this way. However this threshold is impossible to physically penetrate and is ‘floating’ away.