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Matlakala lurking

2019 Competition entry

Neo Toli

Not Signed
Digital Art
44,4 x 34,1 mm
R1 600


Men, various kinds of them, roam around the South African streets freely. Young, old, tall, dark and handsome, even the short and stout. These men have committed numerous crimes, the most prominent being gender based violence. This has earned them the title of being “matlakala”, a Setswana term for dirt, trash or rubbish. Every social network, everywhere I go, every single day - “men are trash”, a universal phrase depicting how females are mistreated by males.

I am men. Men is me. I am trash.

Not because I perpetuate these crimes, but because I had classified myself as falling under the “not all men are trash” category.

I was not part of the struggle - I did not have a hand in the “cause” of the struggle.

I repelled to the stigma.

Matlakala Lurking is inspired by my own struggles of coming to terms with what the phrase means and how it has helped with giving females voices. I had to do some self-introspection and I realised that I was also part of the problem. Being silent, not doing anything to assist the movement, not engaging in conversations on issues such as the continuing system of patriarchy, promoting feminism, and not working hand-in-hand with my fellow sisters in their fight for what is right was a problem.

However -

The plastic bag represents the matlakala that is within men. The clouds depict hiding behind the truth. The flowers illustrate the good that still remains in so many of my fellow brothers. The bright colours portray the fruitful and harmonious future between the males and females of South Africa and the globe at large.

- there is still hope