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Africa Apotheosis

2021 Competition entry

Junior Mentz

Not Signed
Spray paint on wood board
136 x 181 cm
R8 000




1. the highest point in the development of something; a culmination or climax.
2. the elevation of someone to divine status.

Africa Apotheosis was conceived as a response to Nu Athens. Transforming the image from silver to gold reiterates an ongoing change in state; not unlike how African countries are often subject to revolutions and regime changes.

When considering philosophical terms, a Platonic form represents an abstract ideal that we constantly strive toward but can never attain. In much the same way, Africa Apotheosis represents the transcended ideal for the theme proposed in Nu Athens: the betterment humanity. When the two paintings are placed side-by-side, a rorschack-esque image is generated whose synergies can be read in multiple ways. The first reminds us of something akin to the scales of justice being brought into balance (a virtue we’ve recently witnessed with the incarceration of former president Jacob Zuma and his corrupt ilk). The second is the apparent formation of a Greek temple, a symbol often used by an institution to allude to its pedigree. Third, a minor alteration to Andrea Pozzo's depiction of Africa sees the ivory tusk substituted for a rolled parchment. This shifts Africa’s perceived value from a site of resource exploitation (the tusk) toward the value intrinsic in its people drawing on knowledge which is  both contemporary and ancient. But perhaps the most striking feature of this work that aims to show the rising importance of Africa on a global stage, is that there are no familiar African patterns, symbols or forms; this omission of african iconography intends to direct communication to the Western Art World.

In conclusion, to the question of what might be the contribution that Africa makes to further human consciousness? Frankly, it will be through her ability to teach us of our humanity that the world might finally evolve into something kinder.