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Erupted thoughts

2016 Competition entry

Carmen Elizabeth Van Staden

Ink, mixed media
84 mm x 114 mm


This work ties in with the overwhelming whirlwind of emotions experienced when confronted with the idea of falling. As if your thoughts turn to liquid, you have no control and no means of composing or containing your thoughts and emotions. 

The eruption is almost painful, as you are left feeling volatile and exposed. 

The origami birds almost intervene in his thoughts as a form of reassurance that all is not lost and can never be truly lost or hopeless. Amidst the chaos there is always a steady and graceful presence reminding you of what you are capable of. 

The ink is expressive of the liquidity of our thoughts and how they intertwine, overlap and separate.

The spontaneous nature of the ink ties in with our thoughts erupting. 

The thread is crucial in the essence of the work as it is almost stitching the man together, keeping him from falling apart. Often we feel that our thoughts are disconnected from our bodies – the thread helps to ground us and stitch the two back together, albeit with a very fine web of string. 

The work reflects the trials we are faced with throughout our lives and how we always, somehow, make it through it all with immense fervour and grace.