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Quick Response

2021 Competition entry

Lyrene Kühn-Botma

Digital drawing on photo, with scannable QR code
132 x 60 cm
R13 000

Quick Response (QR) codes, visual digital language technological devices are able to decipher. The codex is in your hands and, even though you do not understand the coded message, your digital Rosetta Stone is able to interpret and reveal.

Different landscapes are layered together suggesting an imagined scene which is crumbling into unrecognizable data. This scene contains a landscape that is concealed from view, accessible by a scan.

Revealing, concealing, and bordering – especially its unfolding through digital technology is investigated in this work. Arid landscapes of the Free State, Northern Cape in South Africa and of Israel reinforces a sense of desolation. Juxtaposed with a foreboding storm. The shrugging figures bow down in the landscape, in a shrug posture, carrying an unseen load.