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Is Life a Fool's Mate?

2023 Competition entry

Lesego Motsiri

Video Art
1920px x 1080px

In the artwork "Is Life a Fool's Mate?", the artist explores the quest for meaning in life. This video piece portrays the artist's contemplation of the nature of life.

The artist employs the game of chess as a metaphor for life, where some pieces are restricted in their movement, while others have more freedom and can achieve a three-move checkmate strategy better known as "a Fool's Mate."

A Fool's Mate is the fastest checkmating pattern that can occur in chess and can happen after just three moves. It is possible to achieve it only if White makes terrible opening mistakes, and that is why people call it a Fool's Mate.

Through this artwork, the artist raises the question of whether life is predetermined or if there is more to it than what meets the eye. Is life a predetermined path that we must follow - birth, life, and death, or is there room for exploration and self-discovery?

Video Art link: