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Unity in diversity

2023 Competition entry

Tsepang Jiane


Acrylic on stretched canvas
80cm x 74cm x 3cm

My artistic journey, deeply influenced by my upbringing in a Township has fueled the creation of this acrylic painting.  It serves as a powerful visual statement to the unification of African people within our diverse and multifaceted continent.

The Townships, once vibrant cultural hubs, have sadly become synonymous with violence and crime, particularly among marginalised black communities. Xenophobia and Afrophobia have further exacerbated divisions among Africans. In response to these challenges, this painting
aims to illuminate the imperative of embracing our rich tapestry of cultures and upholding our shared values.

At its heart, this artwork is a celebration of unity, realised through the medium of portraiture. The central figure within the composition is meticulously crafted from an assemblage of cutout pieces, each representing diverse African individuals with distinct skin tones and facial features. 

This deliberate collage technique serves as an inclusive homage to the entire spectrum of ethnicities that comprise our continent,  emphasising the inherent beauty within each. The vibrant colours adorning this piece are a deliberate nod to the Pan-African flag,  which proudly features black, green, yellow, and red. These four hues symbolise not only the unity of Africa but also the diverse
strengths inherent in our continent. Black represents the resilience of African people in the face of a challenging history, a testament to their  enduring strength and essence, this acrylic painting stands as a visual declaration of our shared heritage, an embrace of our differences, and a call to foster unity in the  face of adversity. 

It is my hope that this artwork will serve as a reminder of the boundless potential that emerges when Africans come together, transcending divisions and celebrating the rich mosaic of cultures that define our remarkable continent."