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Uncountable Memories

2023 Competition entry

Carien Van Eck

Not Signed
Digital print on Yupo Paper
14cm x 47cm x 32cm

This piece is about the emotional time in my life when I became a mother in 2022, motherhood changed the direction and lookout of my whole life. I wanted to capture and keep every moment in time and as the first month was over, I got more and more anxious, I needed to remember and capture every moment. I took photos with my phone and soon realised there were many moments and memories in between.

I decided to take some of my photos that were taken over one year. The first year of my child’s life. I added colour as my life is so much brighter now. After this, I still had UNCOUNTABLE moments that I wish not to forget. I printed the photos on Yupo paper and made holes with a soldering iron in them, to show the big and smaller memories that I’m trying to capture. I have placed the photos in a lightbox at different levels of height so that the light can shine through the holes (memories). Each whole is a moment in time with the light gives an overwhelming feeling of will I remember all these memories which are uncountable?