Competition works
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Deadline 1 of the Series

2022 Competition entry

Eugene Oliphant

Fabriano paper, charcoal and graphite
R6 000.00

This series piece is inspired by today's plastic pollution around the world. I used dramatic poses and lighting to contort the reference photos I took of myself and then portraying what I see on Fabriano paper with graphite & pencil.

I wanted to convey a sense of protected ignorance, oblivion and frustration due to the suffocating world we live in.

I hope this series does not just capture the attention of art-lovers but also serves as a call to action for us to remove the blindfold of ignorance and oblivion and start making a change.

Pollution is not just globally and does not have everything to do with mother nature only; we see it in our personal lives too. From peer-on-peer crime to gangsterism and substance abuse. We are polluting each other.

When is it ever going to stop? When are we finally going to take the blindfolds off before we reach the DEADLINE?