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Conversation Piece (2020)

Miné Kleynhans

2019 New Breed Winners Group Exhibition

Not Signed
Copper pipe and enamel paint
600 x 600 x 600 mm

R10 000

Conversation Piece developed from a series of recent works that attempts to translate social interactions into structural forms by means of a set of rules and prescriptions.

The work investigates the social or online ritual where ‘current events’ are digested by means of intellectual sparring sessions. Frequently these discussions are far removed from real life experience, heavily abstracted and intellectualised. Regurgitations of opinions that are disseminated through internet feeds invest in the appearance ‘correctness’ while neglecting the act of feeling for others. The work (or game) is loosely based on competitive board games like Battle Ships. It presents conversation partners with the opportunity to evaluate their counterpart’s statements by inserting a pin into the structure. Attempting to strip the exercise from customary conversational dynamics and the need to seem clever and insightful, participants can only indicate emotional responses. When finished, the shape of the piece is an inventory of sorts, not of ‘content’ or ‘dialogue’ but of things felt.

Click here for accompanying explanatory video supplementary to this sculpture.