I grew up in Durban where my parents are originally from but they used to travel a lot, so I was born in Cape Town. I was born after seven months, hence my name is Siyabonga which means ‘we thank you’.
I never really got a chance to get to know my parents that well as they travelled frequently and at the tender age of eight my father passed away. Two years later at the age of 10 my mother also passed away. I then went to stay with my grandmother who raised my to be the man that I am today. It was a privilege to be raised by the same woman who raised my mother.
I fell in love with drawing when I moved to my grandmother’s house, where I saw my elder brother drawing. At first I drew in order to get his attention as I saw him as a father figure, but soon a deep love for art developed within me. It then became a tool for me to express myself because I had bottled up all of my emotions.
I attended Stanmore Primary and Secondary school. In 2012 I failed matric due to drug addiction. I had started using drugs in grade 10 and at that time I lost all interest in everything, including art.
I them went back and forth to various drug rehabilitation centres until my aunt offered that I come stay with her in Bloemfontein. I then completed my matric.
At the beginning of this year I registered at the CUT where I am currently studying Design and Studio Art.