Competition works
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Deep in liquid indigo turquoise slivers of dilute light

2018 Competition entry

Daniëlle Pretorius-Van Wyk

Oil paint and Zel-kin on canvas
60 cm x 90 cm


Coming from an industrialised town on the coast of Kwa-Zulu Natal, I have focused much of my work on the beach in Richards Bay, Alkant Strand.  Every time I go visit my home town, I take many photos of the beach since I feel a strong connection with the place.

I am very interested in the different appearances of the dunes with every visit as well as the changing colours, textures and layers of sand and rock which are influenced by the changing tides and the waves that crash against these dunes and shape them.  When I paint from these photographs, I try to recreate these geological processes of dune-shaping into an artistic process.

This painting is a layered work. Oil paint was thinned out with genuine turpentine and dripped with a tool from the top of the work in different colours.  On other parts of the painting a pallet knife was used to create the idea of water constantly dripping on sand and with every drop, it changes the form of the sand, moulding it.

This painting is a close-up of a part of the dunes that interested me.  It seemed delicate as if it was about to crumble with the slightest touch.  By translating these geological processes that form the dunes into an artistic process, I try to recreate what I experience of the place and then by painting it I try to preserve the place, because I know it will not be there when I visit there again.  It would already have changed again.  This makes me aware of the fragility of the landscape and how quickly it changes. 
