Not Signed
Photographs on crystal archive paper
43.6 cm x 33.32 cm (each)
The triptych of photographs depicting three leaves individually on her car wind shield was taken shortly after a rain shower in Bloemfontein. Her car stood under a tree and the force of the raindrops dislodged these leaves that now lay on her windshield. She was taken aback by the reflection of the tree on her windshield, her windshield almost appearing to be a small pool of water in which the tree is reflected and on which leaves are floating. The photographs play with perspective. The photographs serve as an investigation of both the macro (the leaves photographed from a very close perspective) and the micro (the tree and sky disappearing into the background).
Thematically or conceptually the works reflect on the recent increase of natural disasters especially floods and hurricanes. Instead of focusing on the mass destruction caused by these natural disasters which easily becomes sensationalist, her work serves as a reflection on the small traces or signs of destruction caused by these disasters. The small leaves become remnants of mass destruction - floating away in streams after the showers.