Ladies and gentlemen, I am Katleho Lesige, I’m 27 years old and I was born and raised in Meloding Virginia. Right now I’m in Bloemfontein studying Textile and Styling at Central University of Technology.
All my life I have been an artist, I remember there was once a time when my dad was broke, when I was growing up and he could no longer buy me toys ,so I started to make my own toys with wires, cables, wool and plastic. Later on in 2020 I created four artworks while using this technique and also this year I made other artworks too, but now only using wool and plastic. I believe most people know wires, wool and plastic, these are the most common used tools in our modern world and I want to give them a new meaning, a new artistic, aesthetic meaning.
Most of my art works are inspired by moments of love and fear because I believe all action is based on love and fear, from small to big acts. I believe in the David Hume philosophy about experience. I also make works that show emotion, choices, and my truth. I tell my story and the story of those around me, I am the voice of the voiceless, the bridge between this world and the other, the truth in-between. My inspiration is Jesus Christ, my late dad, my late mom, my late brothers, my late uncle, my late grandparents, my family, Marcel Duchamp, Salvador Dali, and everyone who is surviving and still smiling, still showing love regardless of their situation.
My aim is to inspire, motivate, teach, guide, help and give to kids who are like me or anyone who comes from a place of poverty and miss-education. Because where I come from there were no inspirational artists to inspire us. I AM HERE TO GIVE THIS TRUTH AND REALITY TO THEM AS AN ARTIST. LOVE WILL SAVE US ALL IN JESUS CHRIST NAME. THANK YOU.