Competition works
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Artist’s made pigmentation/Vaseline ‘batik’ I&II

2018 Competition entry

Petra Schutte

Ink, Vaseline, Brasso, Art-bar, pigment ink and artist's hair on Fabriano
82 cm x 61 cm


The dyptych 'Artist’s made pigmentation/Vaseline ‘batik’ I & II' is the deliberate challenge of creating my own surface ‘layer’ that compares and contrasts to my collected objects.  There is an urgency in the way the various mediums have been applied and this contrasts with the labour intensiveness of my other drawings. 

The various ways of using ink, Vaseline, Brasso, Art-bar and pigment ink suggests the natural ageing of the objects and the wear that it goes through.  This evokes and provides the viewer with information of how the material and objects have been made and used.